"Now I know, I really don't know"

It is said that man is an animal of habits. And throughout life, people acquire behaviors that, on the one hand, shape their way of being, their personality, behaviors that can be liberators or castrators.

Sooner or later many of the behaviors become routine, almost automatic in which the person is not even aware of them. This gives the person a sense of security, comfort and well-being in which the sense of risk is absent. The challenge is for the person to realize when the routine is no longer just safe and becomes numbing. And as such, it does not allow the person to evolve. Often the person feels the need to change and it is through change that the person progresses, but it can be in a good or bad way. It is important not to be afraid to change, to take risks and to make decisions.

Human behavior oscillates between order and chaos. All of us, throughout life, have been closer to one side than the other because life is dynamic and it is in this space that creativity is inserted, in which the act of creation has an aspect of rupture with the past.

The person’s life is at the center of a network of human relationships that structures the social groups in which a person lives, family, neighborhood, job that are inserted in a larger body that is society. If we are influenced by society we also have to be aware that we can play an active role. This happens when we make a decision, simple or complex. What is important is for the person to understand what he wants, which is not always easy. As the poet José Régio says “I don’t know who I am, I don’t know where I’m going but I know I’m not going that way.”

Routine, change and crisis.

Artistic direction and choreography Hugo Marmelada
Interpretation Matilde Cruz, Noeli Kikuchi and Hugo Marmelada
Light design Roger Madureira
Management and production Telma Grova – EMFIM, Associação do Artista
Coproduction Mono Lisboa
Artistic residency support Arcade Dance Center 
Duration 45 – 50 minuts